Clarification on VW & Audi Transmission codes- May 2016
Today’s Automatic Transmissions use a variety of sensors on the engine and throughout the car, along with a computer system that control its functions. Most computer-controlled transmissions use a TCM (Transmission Control Module) however; some systems use a single computer for both the engine and transmission control. These are commonly referred to as an ECM (Electronic Control Module).
It’s common today to have over a dozen separate control modules communicating through a network; all sharing information about the operation of the car. Because of this sophistication, there are a lot of sensors and control modules that play a role in transmission operation.
This means problems with your suspension, lighting system, or even something as innocuous as a malfunction in your radio can cause a problem with your transmission.
That’s why it’s important to have these systems check by a trained transmission technician anytime you think you might have a transmission problem. Many times it turns out not to be a transmission problem at all but something else in another system; something far less expensive than a rebuilt transmission.Only a well trained, experienced transmission technician can be sure you actually have a transmission problem.
So, you have a transmission that’s not shifting right? Make sure you check with local ATRA member shop first. They’ll be happy to check your car’s computer systems and find out why.
All-O-Matic Transmissions is a proud ATRA Member and will be at your service!
Published by ATRA 18/11/2011
Your transmission suddenly isn’t shifting right. So what’s wrong with it? Do you need your transmission rebuilt? Good question. Unfortunately, the answer is: No one knows. At least, not yet.
To find out what’s causing your transmission problem, a technician is going to have to perform a series of tests. Basically, these tests are designed to answer the simple question: “Is it inside or outside?” That is, is the problem inside the transmission, or in one of the many control systems that operates the transmission?
That’s because there’s a lot more to transmission operation than the transmission itself. Nearly every transmission on the road today is controlled by a computer system. That system is integrated into the rest of the vehicle. So a problem in the engine — or for that matter, even the brakes — could have a dramatic effect on transmission operation.
In fact, today’s transmissions are so integrated with the rest of the vehicle that many technicians with years of auto repair experience can have a difficult time determining whether a problem is inside the transmission or not.
Until a properly trained and experienced transmission technician examines the vehicle and performs the necessary tests, there’s no way anyone can tell you for sure what’s wrong with your car’s transmission.
Once those tests are performed, a qualified technician should be able to tell you precisely whether you’re dealing with a transmission problem or not. And he (or she) will be able to let you know what it’ll take to fix your car and put it back into proper running condition.
The really great news is that the vast majority of customers who bring their cars in with transmission problems don’t actually need their transmissions rebuilt. In most cases the problem turns out to be external, which usually costs far less than a transmission rebuild.
But the only way you can be sure you’re only paying for the work you need is by bringing your car to a qualified transmission repair shop.All-O-Matic Transmissions is a proud member of ATRA and will be at your service!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]No member or person or firm shall represent that any reprocessed automatic transmission has been “rebuilt, according to ATRA specifications:, unless such transmission has been reprocessed in the following manner; and members further agree to extend nationwide, inter-shop warranty coverage only on such transmissions as have been reprocessed in the following manner:
Most auto manufactures recommend servicing your transmission every 50,000 miles or so (check your owner’s manual for more details). But it’s a good idea to check your transmission fluid periodically. One of the best times is during a normal engine oil change. If your transmission has a filler tube and dipstick you can check it yourself. If not, you’ll need to have it check by a transmission specialist.
It’s simple. Just follow these steps:
To add transmission fluid:
Published by ATRA 21/07/2014